
Residents Sought for Duty on Grand Jury

Applications for Ventura County residents interested in becoming members of the grand jury are available, court officials said Tuesday.

Any person who is a Ventura County resident and is at least 18 years of age may qualify to serve as a grand juror, said Betty Kane, manager of jury services.

To receive an application, fill out the attached request form and send it to the address listed, Kane said. The deadline for requesting applications is Feb. 10, she said.


Nineteen residents will be chosen from among the applications to serve on the 1994-95 grand jury.

The jury convenes in July and spends the next 12 months working as a public watchdog, investigating and reporting on the affairs of local government.

Many people who serve as grand jurors are retirees.

The job requires up to 40 hours a week and pays $20 a day.

The grand jury issues a report on local government, including suggestions for improvements or changes, at the end of the term.
