
The Next L.A. / Reinventing Our Future : Community : IDEA FILE: Citizenship

How It Works: Immigrants regardless of legal status would be eligible for a kind of work-amnesty based on proficiency in English language usage (for everyday living--not the kind of memorization-of-Bill-of-Rights required for citizenship tests), public service, employment record and length of stay. Citizenship applicants become eligible for such publicly funded services as admission to public colleges and universities and eligibility for Medi-Cal and welfare.


It would resolve the status of illegal immigrants and reward good residents with social services, the right to vote and schooling. It would encourage assimilation and stability in a population inclined to move fluidly between the United States and Mexico, especially at a time when halting illegal immigration has taken on political importance. It would penalize transient population and require volunteer work in a government or charitable project.

Short-Term or Long-Term Impact?

A five-year pilot program.


It would set standards while providing opportunities for advancement and establish a common reference and shared stake in the community, proponents say. It would reduce the number of people isolated on the fringes, both linguistically and culturally. It could be harsh for many who are here only to work. It would require a change of allegiance and might encourage more to enter the United States illegally.



Schools, employers and some local governments might oppose it. Some conservatives could approve language requirements and conditional social services. Conservatives may oppose large numbers of new citizens, especially those who broke the law to enter the United States. Liberals may dislike it because of the same requirements. Initial opposition from voters is likely.

The Costs

To consumers, not specific. Taxpayers would pay for program administration. It would appear to penalize those who immigrated legally. Formation of a new, hidden immigrant population is possible for those who do not want to be citizens.


Very iffy. Could require lengthy federal action. Maybe.
