
After the Quake : NEWS IN BRIEF : State Asks FEMA to Extend Deadline for Aid Requests

The deadline for nonprofit organizations that sustained earthquake damage to apply for disaster assistance is Thursday. However, the state has asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to extend the deadline for another 30 days, and FEMA officials said they will probably grant the request.

Under FEMA guidelines, those eligible are private nonprofit educational, utility, emergency, medical or custodial care facilities, including those for senior citizens and the disabled and any other facility providing essential health and safety services to the general public.

Some examples are museums, libraries, zoos, homeless shelters and community centers. Essential health and safety services can include such things as low-income housing, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, battered spouse programs, food programs and transportation to medical facilities.


The nonprofit public interest law firm Public Counsel is offering free legal assistance to eligible organizations. For information call Peter Manzo at (213) 385-2977, Ext. 122.

To register potential claims with FEMA, call (800) 462-9029.

The deadline to file for federal unemployment disaster assistance has been extended from Friday to March 31. People whose employment was interrupted by the Northridge earthquake and who do not qualify for regular unemployment insurance may file for up to 26 weeks of disaster benefits. Claims can be filed at any Employment Development Department office.
