
Kitten With a Pip

In the Calendar piece on Michael Madsen (“He’s Bad, but Not to the Bone,” by Kristine McKenna, Feb. 6), there is a glaring oversight in reference to his work in the new version of “The Getaway.”

Although early in the story McKenna makes reference to the source material (the novel by Jim Thompson, as well as the original film, directed by Sam Peckinpah from a Walter Hill script), she blunders later in describing a bit of business in a scene.

McKenna writes: “The most ingenious bit of shading Madsen brings to the part is that he cradles a kitten in his arms . . . a kitten . . . lounging about on the chest of the psychopathic Rudy.”


Anyone who has seen the original Peckinpah production knows well that the first Rudy, wonderfully played by Al Lettieri, did exactly what McKenna credits to Madsen.

Let us be ever vigilant not to slight the originators of creative material.


Laguna Beach
