
Readers Recommend

California--Virginia Kane, San Clemente: “The Raford House, 10630 Wohler Road, Healdsburg 95448; (707) 887-9573. A Sonoma County historic landmark. Innkeeper Carole Vore turns out fantastic breakfasts.” Rates: $85-$130.

England--Warren Stobaugh, Redlands: “Summer Academy, School of Continuing Education, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NX; tel. 011- 44-227-470402, fax 011- 44-227-784338. This is Britain’s leading holiday study organization. Some programs are offered through Elderhostel but without the age minimums of Elderhostel. We enjoyed a fascinating program at the University of Durham, Northumbria, last year. This year, Summer Academy programs are offered at 10 universities in Britain and Ireland from June 25 to Sept. 10.” Rates: Courses run six or seven days and range from about $420 to $522, which is all-inclusive.

Washington--Sandi and Ric Royce, Los Angeles: “Windsong B&B;, P.O. Box 32, Orcas Island 98280; (206) 376-2500. It is unusual for us to travel to the same place twice, but we will probably go to the Windsong over and over again. Windsong is a converted schoolhouse on an island with lakes and forests.” Rates: $85-$95.


Send recommendations to the Travel Section, The Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053.
