
Veterans Group Gets OK to Serve Alcohol

A veterans group received approval from county planners this week to serve alcohol at its new post in Canyon Country.

The Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission unanimously voted to grant an alcohol use permit Wednesday to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6885.

The permit allows the group to sell alcohol at the post it bought in October, a 2.25-acre site two miles northeast of Santa Clarita along Sierra Highway. The group purchased the site after the Santa Clarita City Council voted to shut down its Sand Canyon post because it did not have a valid conditional use permit for the facility and because neighbors complained of noise and rowdy parties.


The permit carries several restrictions, including limiting business hours from 11 a.m. to midnight, requiring no more than 70 people inside the club at any given time and requiring that alcohol be consumed by members and their guests only, said Lonnie Bell, a regional planning assistant.

Post supporters contended that selling alcohol is a major source of revenue for the group and helps pay bills.

Louis Hunt, spokesman for the VFW post, said the group will now apply for a liquor license from the state.
