
‘Unreasonable’ Repairs Needed to Meet Codes

The Small Investor feature of March 6 (“Benefits, Drawbacks of Section 8 Tenants”) by Robert J. Bruss is disturbing because Bruss relates his own poor experience with one tenant and also states that “the housing authority . . . often demands unreasonable repairs.”

This leads me to conclude that his property was found to need repairs because it’s condition was “unreasonable” as to qualify (or disqualify) for this program.

I am very familiar with the Section 8 program and I know that the clients are thoroughly researched and the housing inspected to ensure that it meets normal code requirements. If properties do not meet local and state codes, repairs are requested.


I strongly doubt that the repairs asked of Bruss were “unreasonable,” except that his property required exceptional work in order to be considered as habitable.

Finally, as to Bruss’ “bad tenant” experience, perhaps he was a “bad landlord.” It’s worth considering.


Kihei, Maui, Hawaii
