
Security in Egypt

* Re “Upsurge in Militant Attacks Worries Foreigners in Egypt,” by Kim Murphy, World Report, March 29:

There exists a clear contradiction between the headline and the atmosphere your correspondent tries to depict and the actual quotes reported, which indicate that Egypt is a friendly country and that “few foreigners are panicking.” Murphy quotes an American businessman as saying “I feel safer (in Egypt) than I would in Harlem or Miami Beach,” and the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt as saying that he is not prepared to say that the security situation is unsafe since the number of foreigners killed in Egypt (in almost two years) does not amount to one bad day in Washington.

It is only normal that adequate security measures be taken. But the situation is under control and the latest terrorist activities are manifestations of desperation by the terrorists who, unable to accomplish their criminal goals, are resorting to indiscriminate attacks. This reality has been recognized by the tourists who continue to flow after a period of hesitancy, and the businessmen and foreign visitors who have never stopped visiting Egypt and who continue business as usual.


In this regard, I will mention that Tim Wirth of the State Department visited Egypt recently and came back totally satisfied that preparations for the International Conference on Population are going ahead in an excellent atmosphere. He was quoted as confirming the very good security situation. In fact, the last preparatory meeting is taking place in New York, and no representative of any country or of the United Nations expressed any concern, contrary to the assertion contained in the article.


Press Counselor

Embassy of Egypt, Washington
