
Bridging the Gap

The Colorado Street Bridge that spans the Arroyo Seco in Pasadena has had its ups and downs over the years.

At best it’s been a majestic monument to a city proud of its past--citizens fought to preserve it even when the 210 Freeway built next to it would presumably make it obsolete. At worst--well, let’s just say some locals are still wont to refer to it as “Suicide Bridge.”

Whatever its name, one thing is certain: that it’s looking as impressive as ever after a recently completed reconstruction. It will be closed to cars again on Saturday--but this time, it’s to make way for a celebration, welcoming the landmark back to its stately self.


Pasadena Heritage will host an evening of live music, featuring such performers as the jazz group Nairobi Trio, Black Dot Troopers (African hip-hop) and Pat Lubow with the blues. Scottish fiddlers and Aztec dancers will also entertain, along with Frank Jordan’s Compact Big Band, Snotty Scotty & the Hankies playing 1950s and ‘60s music, and the Friendship Baptist Gospel Choir.

A 1909 fire engine and vintage cars and bicycles will be on display for nostalgia’s sake. Numerous Pasadena restaurants will provide food, including Abiento, Green Street, Mijares, Pie and Burger, and Crown City Brewery.

The event takes place from 6-11 p.m. Tickets are $12.50 in advance; $15 at the gate. For information, call Pasadena Heritage at (818) 793-0189.
