
Oakwood Gang Truce

After reading “A Tenuous Truce” (Sept. 27), it dawned on me that the gangs are being portrayed here as the “victims.”

As a long-term resident of Oakwood I have learned long ago the only way to survive is to keep quiet. As I arrive home from work every evening I find myself being recognized by the familiar faces of neighbors who know that I know exactly what they are doing day after day on those same street corners. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what you have to do to keep the peace--you keep your mouth shut.

I feel that the real victims in the gang war have truly been forgotten. The area is back to business as usual. Once again it’s the open drug supermarket it was before the “gang war” began. If anyone doesn’t believe what the real motivation behind the gang truce is, speak to the folks cruising our streets, now safely purchasing their goods.



