
Countywide : Nurses Plan Classes in Care for Diabetics

Free classes in diabetes management will be offered early

next year by registered nurses Sunnie Bell and Sue Eisen of Project Health.

“In Orange County there are about 215,000 people with diabetes,” Bell said, “but half of those are not aware they have it.”

Complications from untreated diabetes include heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and blindness.

Bell said the four-week classes will emphasize a “shared management” approach to diabetes.

That means patients--working with physicians--assume responsibility for a large portion of their health care, including blood testing at home to determine insulin doses.


Classes will be from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at:

* Saddleback Memorial Medical Center, 24451 Health Center Drive, in Mission Viejo, on Tuesdays, starting Jan. 10.

* Western Medical Center’s Bash Auditorium, 1001 Tustin Ave., in Santa Ana, on Wednesdays, starting Jan. 11.

* Family Fitness Center, Warner Avenue and Springdale Street, in Huntington Beach, on Tuesdays starting Feb. 7.


To register, call Bell or Eisen at (714) 229-4850.
