
Robert Citron

* If we need any further evidence the asylum is being taken over by the inmates, the disclosure that former Orange County treasurer-tax collector Robert L. Citron had consulted an astrologer and a psychic for investment advice (Dec. 28) should be the final proof!



* Why should we be surprised that Citron ran Orange County into bankruptcy based on advice he received from psychics?

His role models must have been Nancy and Ronald Reagan, who also used psychics to guide them. Those must have been the same seers, for we are painfully aware of what happened to the U.S. budget deficit!



Los Angeles

* If you don’t take it seriously and you are not in the line of fire, life is rich in funny paradoxes. A case in point is Citron and the good burghers of Orange County.

Everyone concedes Citron did not make a nickel for himself from his financial dealings on behalf of the county. All agree that for years he made two dollars grow from one so that the good burghers could enjoy the services of government without having to pay for them, for the good burghers of Orange County love services but loathe taxes. Further, the good burghers, an economically sophisticated group, are well aware that financial profits and risk directly correlate.

Alas, Lady Luck, so long Citron’s consort, at last frowned and the good burghers of Orange County, deprived of services without equivalent taxes, rose in fury and will send Citron to jail for their sins. Now the good burghers seek another to pick up the check for the services they desire. Who shall that sucker be? The state, and all of us?



Woodland Hills
