
Puppeteer Mesmerizes Schoolchildren

Even in these high-tech times of Mortal Kombat and other video games, the immortal 2,000-year-old art of Chinese puppetry mesmerized a crowd of 350 Blanchard Elementary School children Friday.

Instead of digital technology, the incredibly dexterous digits of fifth-generation puppet master Yang Feng sent hand puppets spinning, flying and fighting to the delight of adults and kids.

So realistic was the show that as a puppet tiger devoured an unfortunate puppet monk, a teacher had to restrain little blond-haired Samantha Burtlow, 5, from coming to the rescue.


“I wanted to pull him out so he wouldn’t get eaten,” she said.

The Santa Paula children are among the last of some 10,000 pupils at 20 schools in Thousand Oaks, Oxnard, Ojai and Port Hueneme to see the show over the last two weeks.

The response to the hand-carved puppets, which come complete with animated facial expressions, and their creator has been unexpectedly enthusiastic, said Brian Bemel, a fine arts specialist with the county superintendent of schools office.

“I don’t think you saw any teachers grading their papers,” he said. “Usually you see them grading [at other shows].”


Indeed, fifth-grade teacher Terry Hill sat with a big grin on his face.

“It’s amazing when you think about what he’s doing with his hands,” he said as he watched the puppets spin plates and twirl batons. “He could have been on the old ‘Ed Sullivan Show.’ ”

The technically demanding performance requires Feng’s feet to move in the measured pace of a Chinese opera, as he literally dances his way through the show. Feng started training at age 6 and made his debut at age 11.

After the performance, Feng demonstrated for the children how he creates the tricks of his ancient trade. Even after being let in on the secrets, most remained impressed.


“It’s amazing,” said Chris Monden, 7, although the youngster added he thought his agility would allow him to re-create the puppets’ antics. “I’m in martial arts.”

That’s an attitude the fifth-generation puppet master probably wouldn’t mind. The message of the show is a simple one, Feng said: “The hand can do anything.”

Ventura County residents have a final opportunity to see Feng in action at 7 tonight at the Ventura College Theater. The globe-trotting 45-year-old will perform “Tales of China,” including a vignette aimed at adults.

Tickets are $7 for children and $9 for adults at the door.
