
Scouting for Equality Should Start at Home

This is in response to your article about Katrina Yeaw, the girl who wants to become a Boy Scout (“Crafts Are Not Her Idea of Fun,” March 20). This is just another case for Gloria Allred to get her name in the paper.

My son has been involved in scouting for the past five years, and I have been actively involved with him. The last thing a camp-out with 11- and 12-year-old boys needs is 11- and 12-year-old girls. The boys are learning to become leaders and experience the adventures of being boys.

I think if Katrina is really interested in doing the things the Boy Scouts do, she and her parents should form their own Girl Scout troop and do some camping, hiking, or whatever their hearts desire. The changes need to be made in the Girl Scouts of America or Camp Fire Girls, not the Boy Scouts. If she is the strong-willed girl I think she is, she can make a difference.


When my 5-year-old daughter is ready for Girl Scouts, and if she wants to hike, camp and fish, then I will become a leader and make those things happen. We can’t always blame others if things don’t go our way. We need to make things happen and quit depending on lawyers.


Simi Valley
