
Dole and GOP

Re “Dole and GOP Face Danger as Clinton Leads,” April 19:

It is amazing how fast the GOP could squander the goodwill of the voters after its sweeping victory in 1994. By having had the party’s agenda mostly hijacked by the so-called “Christian Coalition” and a House speaker who could better serve as a policymaker rather than a preaching spokesperson, the GOP has shot itself in the foot, just when the race is about to start.

Even more amazingly, the GOP candidates have mostly been outfoxed by President Clinton, who has skillfully incorporated many of the less controversial and innovative GOP ideas into his own and been a far more effective communicator to the public. Where Clinton appears to be personal and sincere in person and on TV, Bob Dole appears to be overly mechanical and ill at ease. Thus, unless the GOP can field a candidate like the “Great Communicator” and wean itself off the yoke of any single special interest group, it will likely become the outsider once again.


Corona del Mar

* Re “Restore Civility to the Process,” April 22: George S. Mitrovich and Jim Wallis have it all wrong. They should advocate less civility and more honesty.


There is so much going on that is just plain immoral and wrong. Tobacco companies are making money on the painful deaths of about 400,000 annually. Lobbyists are bribing politicians with campaign contributions. Society is savaging the environment for convenience and profits. Forty million are without health care. And the list could go on and on.

Urging civil debate on that which is clearly unacceptable is a way of glossing over and substituting words for action. The important goal is to convince the electorate what should be done and then do it.

