
Times Wins 21 Press Club Awards

The Los Angeles Times took 21 first-place plaques Saturday at the Greater Los Angeles Press Club Southern California Journalism Awards, more than any other news organization.

The Times also won the overall Award of Excellence in 1994 and 1995 at the event at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Warren Olney, who hosts the “Which Way L.A.?” radio show on KCRW-FM, won the Joseph M. Quinn Memorial Award.


Times winners included:

Sara Fritz, David Willman, Alan Miller and Dwight Morris, all of the Washington, D.C., bureau, and Rich Connell in the investigative reporting-body of work category; Jim Newton, the lead reporter on the O.J. Simpson trial, in the spot news category; Richard E. Meyer and Josh Getlin in the feature reporting category. John Johnson in the continuing story or series category; Peter H. King and Scott Harris in the columns-personal, observational category; Mike Downey for columns-sports category; Bill Plaschke in the sports reporting-body of work category; Larry Harnisch and Steve Horn for headline writing; The Times staff in the layout, program continuity category for “Prosecution Rests”; Bill Boyarsky and Harris for columns-society local events, and Kenneth Turan and Christopher Knight in the entertainment reviews category.
