
Contractor Seeking OK to Dump Water

Amid controversy over a plan to dump waste water into San Diego Creek, a Newport Bay tributary, the contractor building a tollway applied this week for a state permit to do the same.

The California Regional Water Quality Control Board in Santa Ana will meet Friday to consider a proposal by Silverado Constructors, which is building the 23-mile tollway for the Transportation Corridor Agencies to link Anaheim Hills and Irvine.

At the same time, the board will hear testimony on the Irvine Ranch Water District plan that, if approved, would allow 5 million gallons of treated waste water a day into Upper Newport Bay.


The city has joined environmental activists to stymie the water district’s plan, negotiating with water district officials to find alternatives before the regional board votes on the permit.

City scientists have determined that the water district’s recycled water has nutrients that could contribute to the growth of algae bloom, which for years activists have worked to reduce.
