
Long-Haired Bandit Robs Bank Branch

A bandit with long black hair and a blue and purple floral shirt robbed a branch of Glendale Federal Bank on Monday, marking the 25th bank heist in Ventura County this year.

The FBI said the robber, who had bandages covering his left forehead and cheek, entered the branch at 472 S. Mills Road at about 1:14 p.m. Although the bandit did not display a weapon, the FBI said that he gave the teller a note claiming he had a gun.

After the teller handed over an undisclosed amount of cash, the robber ran out of the bank and was last seen fleeing through the Montgomery Ward parking lot on South Mills Road.


The FBI described the suspect as white male, 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighing about 155 pounds. He was wearing shorts and sunglasses, authorities said, and had a goatee and bushy black mustache in addition to his long locks. FBI officials said they do not believe the robber is linked to other Ventura County bank robberies.
