
Smithsonian Award Could Be Image Booster

Barbara Marsh covers health care for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7762 and at [email protected]

It’s surely nice to be noticed--especially by the Smithsonian Institution.

But does getting honored by that venerable national fixture help build business?

Long Beach-based MEMRAD Medical Group, a group of 40 radiologists that is expanding into Orange County, certainly hopes so.

The group was one of several hundred organizations that recently received a certificate of honor from the Smithsonian as part of its annual recognition program for developers of new technology.

Dr. Paul Kamin, the group’s president, says the technology gives hospital emergency rooms quick access to its radiologists’ expertise, even in the middle of the night. Emergency room physicians can transmit high-resolution X-rays, CT scans and other diagnostic images over high-speed phone lines to a MEMRAD radiologist for an instant opinion.
