
Hurt Firefighter to Return to Work

Firefighter Scott French, who was seriously burned in the Calabasas-Malibu brush fire Oct. 22, was set to return to full duty today, fire officials said Tuesday.

French, a Ventura resident and one of four firefighters from the Glendale and Los Angeles city departments hospitalized because of the blaze, was sent home from the Grossman Burn Center at Sherman Oaks Hospital on Nov. 3.

French, 41, underwent skin grafts to his ears and arms while at the burn center. He will return to work at Glendale Fire Station 24 on Canada Boulevard, officials said.


“It’s much better than we thought,” said Battalion Chief Dave Starr. “We’re pleased.”

The most seriously injured firefighter, William Jensen, also of the Glendale department, remained in good condition at the burn center Tuesday following his 15th surgery, hospital officials said.

Jensen, 52, underwent skin graft surgery to his severely burned left hand, which until last week was set inside an abdominal pouch for three weeks to help prepare it for the skin grafts, officials said.

The latest surgery included separating Jensen’s fingers, which were covered with tissue that grew while the hand was in the abdominal pouch. Doctors hope Jensen eventually will regain at least 50% of the use of his left hand.


Dr. Peter Grossman said Jensen, who initially was in critical condition with second- and third-degree burns over more than 70% of his body, was recovering steadily and may be sent home by the end of January.

“He’s in good spirits,” Grossman said. “He’s really doing quite well.”
