
School Trustee Just Doing His Job

* Your Feb. 24 editorial “Politicizing a Nonpolitical Job” criticizes school board Trustee Ken Williams for opposing a program he considers big government and accuses him of “unwarranted injection of politics.”

He was elected to examine educational issues, and I appreciate his attempt to investigate and inform the public of concerns about a program that might adversely affect our children.

Are you suggesting he hasn’t the right to inform us of his specific objections because they are political in nature? Does that mean it is permissible for those with opposite ideology to develop and initiate the public school program but not permissible for Williams to express disagreement?


I am suspicious of anyone who suggests there should be no more meetings on this subject. In fact, there is much which should be explained to the public. If the program is as simple as your editorial claims, it is a waste of taxpayers’ money, because the activities mentioned are already being accomplished. Logic suggests it is far more involved, and Williams’ concerns demand to be investigated.


