
Judge Pfaelzer’s Prop. 187 Ruling

Re “Judge Upholds Curbs on Police-INS Cooperation,” March 4: Regardless of one’s opinion of the merits of Prop. 187, U.S. District Judge Mariana R. Pfaelzer’s capricious rulings don’t stand to reason. The judge has stayed enforcement of this proposition because she sees it as California’s intrusion into federal jurisdiction.

Does it follow, then, that a local police officer who stumbles upon someone counterfeiting U.S. currency should ignore him? Should the officer be restrained from even reporting the counterfeiter? Does this pass the “Is this stupid?” test?

Strangely enough, the good judge let stand the provision of Prop. 187 that increases punishment for counterfeiters of immigration documents. Does this apply to federal documents, such as Social Security cards and green cards?


Democracy, and good sense, is poorly served when a single magistrate can whimsically block enforcement of laws deemed necessary by the people. At least, laws should be reviewed by a panel of three randomly selected federal judges.


