
Vocalist, 18, Wins National Award

When Arnie and Lilly Rubin of Encino learned their second child, daughter Laurie, was blind, they set out to stimulate her other senses with textures, scents and classical music.

They didn’t know then that their efforts would inspire her.

Rubin, now 18 and an accomplished singer, was one of two in the nation to be named a 1997 Very Special Arts Panasonic Young Soloist, a title given each year to talented young musicians with disabilities.

Program officials said about 100 musicians age 25 and younger with disabilities applied for the award this year.


In addition to a $5,000 scholarship, the award will also help Rubin accomplish a long-held goal of singing at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, where she will perform Tuesday.
