

Re “GOP Seeks New Image Among Latinos,” March 30: Although the Republican Party is wise to reach out to Latinos in an effort to build an inclusive political party, demanding immigration reform constitutes neither nativism nor xenophobia but rather reflects intelligent reasoning that takes into consideration contemporary American financial, environmental and educational issues.

Americans of all political affiliations must fight for the reduction of immigration into this country. Unfortunately, self-serving pro-immigration activists--interpreting all talk of immigration reform as anti-Hispanic--prevent real immigration reform by calling “racist” all who want a decrease in immigration; thus, approximately 1 million legal immigrants enter the U.S. annually.

Regrettably, our country’s leaders, both Democrats and Republicans alike, haven’t the courage to seriously address the immigration crisis; however, survey after national survey indicates that most Americans want a reduction in legal immigration and a crackdown on illegal immigration.



Los Angeles
