
Proposal on Tax Data to Go Before Council

A proposal to allow City Council members to see sales tax data from local businesses is on the agenda for Monday’s council meeting.

The council considered the issue at its previous two sessions but took no action so that officials could seek more public comment.

State sales tax information is closely guarded by law, and only the city manager and the city finance director know the amounts generated by Cypress businesses. State law, however, does allow city council members to see some of the figures if they ask to do so.


A portion of the state sales tax returns to the city where it originated and is vital to most cities’ budgets.

Councilwoman Mary Ann Jones has said that it is important for the council to know local businesses that generate most of the sales tax income.

“The council needs to have this information because we make strategic policy decisions,” she said.


Councilman Tim Keenan said he also favors the idea.

But last month, Councilman Walter K. Bowman and Councilwoman Anna Piercy said they oppose opening up the information. Bowman said a conflict of interest could be created if a council member learned details of a competitor’s tax situation.

Mayor Tom Carroll did not say at the March 24 session what his vote on the issue likely would be. However, in a recent interview, he said he favors making the tax information available to the council.

“I’ve decided we do need it as the principal policy directors of the city,” Carroll said.

The public will be invited to speak for or against the proposal at the beginning of Monday’s 7 p.m. session at City Hall, 5275 Orange Ave. Information: (714) 229-6688.
