
Older Mothers

It infuriates me that you would print such a sexist and one-sided story (“Woman Gives Birth at 63: Ethical Questions Raised,” April 24) without getting any reaction from women’s rights leaders.

Why didn’t The Times say anything negative when actor Tony Randall recently became a father at age 77? What about Cary Grant becoming a father at 60-something? Why the double standard? When have I ever read an article in The Times that suggested sterilizing all men over age 55?

When women gain reproductive rights, men lose power. Without a biological time clock ticking, young women could be more liberated. Men might no longer get away with being such jerks.


Maybe a woman could wait until she is 50 to first get married, as did this fortunate mother.

This is a miracle of modern medicine and should be praised, not condemned.


