
Chester Feldman; Veteran Game Show Producer

Chester Feldman, 71, producer known for his television game shows from “I’ve Got a Secret” to “Family Feud.” After serving in the Navy during World War II, Feldman earned a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri. He began his 45-year career in radio, producing a show for humorist Henry Morgan. In television’s infancy, the pioneering Feldman produced “I’ve Got a Secret” starring Garry Moore, which ran for 15 years. Feldman went on to write for Moore’s variety show and in 1968 produced and co-wrote Johnny Carson’s first prime-time special for NBC. In the 1970s, Feldman worked with David Susskind to produce a series of specials called “The Comedians,” starring Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks. Feldman also created a documentary film, “Company,” about the recording of a Broadway cast album. For the last 20 years, Feldman was executive producer and vice president of Mark Goodson Productions, helping to create “Family Feud,” “Card Sharks” and “Match Game.” On Sunday in New York of complications after surgery.
