
Managed Care Plan

“Program for Needy Is Delayed” (June 17) may have left readers with the mistaken impression that L.A. Care Health Plan is responsible for delaying full implementation of a statewide managed care program for Medi-Cal beneficiaries in Los Angeles County. In fact, the delays stem from the Health Care Financing Administration’s desire to see more progress from the state Department of Health Services in correcting problems with the implementation here. In communications from HCFA to DHS, L.A. Care Health Plan has not been cited as a reason for concern or requiring corrective action.

L.A. Care Health Plan is a public health plan created to serve Medi-Cal beneficiaries in Los Angeles County. We began serving beneficiaries in April. Reviews of L.A. Care conducted by the state and the federal government have been positive.


CEO, L.A. Care Health Plan
