
The Big Buildup

Estimated cost of construction of the Getty Center: $1 billion

Classic Etch-A-Sketches sold in America since construction began in 1989: 7,430,573

Travertine blocks used in construction: 295,000

Ocean freighter voyages from Italy required to deliver travertine: 100

Enameled-aluminum panels: 40,000

Square feet of exterior glass: 164,648

Miles of plumbing and sprinkler piping: 151

Miles of electrical conduit: 339

Miles of stair railings: 5

Linear feet of steel studs: 4.4 million

Cubic feet of concrete: 8.1 million

Doors: 1,962

Light fixtures: 33,161

Skylights: 60

Display cases: 175

Approximate number of In-N-Out burgers consumed by construction workers: 15,000

Average number of construction workers on site per day during project’s peak: 750

Hours logged by construction workers: 10 million
