
Septic Tank Disposal Sites OKd by Council

A City Council panel approved a new Septage Waste Hauler Disposal program that takes the pressure off a Valley waste dumping site previously approved as the only one in the city to take waste from septic tanks.

The Budget and Finance Committee recommended Tuesday that there be four septage disposal sites.

The Tillman Water Reclamation Plant, near Sepulveda Basin, would be open 40 hours per week, and sites near the 6th Street bridge downtown and one at LAX would each be open 21 hours per week to take some of the waste.


The fourth site, yet to be identified, will be in the east San Fernando Valley and be open 40 hours a week, city officials said.

In addition to an annual truck permit fee of $800 for haulers using city facilities, there will be a volumetric discharge fee of 2.56 cents per gallon for waste generated within the city, and 4.96 cents for waste generated outside the city, down from 5.3 cents.
