
Time to Get Tough on Drunk Driving

* Re “Guilty Plea in Fatal Drunk-Driving Case,” Dec. 9:

Ruben Quiroga and Sonia Ruiz might be alive today if Fernando Quezada Perez’s automobile had been sold after his second conviction for drunk driving. Instead, they lay dead while Perez pleaded guilty to his fourth DUI, this time with two counts of second-degree murder attached.

The California Legislature needs to look at the “zero tolerance” found in Alaska for second-time drunk drivers: They sell the car the person was driving. Period.

That is similar to what happens to second-time drunk drivers in many European countries.

If one innocent person is killed by a second-time drunk driver, that is one too many. We have had too many killed just this year in Orange County by the second-, third- and fourth-time drunk drivers.


It is time for the legislature to get tough with repeat drunk drivers.


Newport Beach
