
Airport Foes Just Wasting Money

Your recent articles, as well as follow-up correspondence continue to demonstrate how a little misinformation in the wrong hands can be disastrous. There have been no plans to close John Wayne Airport and it is abundantly clear in the Board of Supervisors’ December 1996 vote that John Wayne shall remain open.

Why a “concerned citizen” would approach the grand jury with concerns regarding the reversion of the airport property to the Irvine Co. is beyond me. Opponents of this airport continue to rail on the wasteful spending by the county. In my estimation, having a grand jury investigate issues that are moot represents the most heinous type of wasteful government spending. This represents a continuing effort by the opponents of the airport to derail this process at any cost.

If these economic watchdogs are so concerned about wasteful spending, then they should inquire as to why two supervisors, Todd Spitzer and Tom Wilson, continue to do everything in their power to derail El Toro International when the county citizens have voted overwhelmingly for this project to move forward.


The idea that two supervisors who are county employees are undertaking actions to subvert the county’s plan and contravene the will of the citizens seems incredible to me.


Newport Beach
