
Trustees to Consider Bus Fees for Students

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District trustees tonight will consider instituting a busing fee for students, starting in September.

Under the proposal, the district would charge student bus riders $1 a day or $180 per school year, according to transportation director Steven Umber. Discounts for families with multiple students and reduced-price or free busing for students who cannot afford to pay would also be included in the plan.

Board members are considering the fee because the transportation program costs $2.2 million more than the district receives for it from the state.


The district gets about $300,000 from the state for the program, Umber said. As a result, the district must dip into its general fund to pay the bulk of transportation costs.

The district also will consider changing eligibility distances for bus riders. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Educational Services Center, 4999 Casa Loma Ave. Information: (714) 996-2550.
