
Sweatshop Exhibit

Re the planned Smithsonian “sweatshop” exhibition, letters, Sept. 18: We would applaud a balanced depiction of the history of the American apparel industry and, as such, accept the fact that it would include aberrations such as the El Monte incident. To state that these conditions are the “cornerstone” of the apparel industry and not just “a few bad apples” is patently untrue, however.

If the Smithsonian is bent on historical scholarship on the sweatshop issue, then it should present evidence of its existence in car repair, trinket selling, printing, restaurants, etc. If the study is to relate to the apparel industry, why not show what opportunities 100 years of apparel manufacturing have allowed for immigrants, the undereducated, minorities, etc. Where is the balanced view of the largest manufacturing base in Los Angeles, employing over 140,000 workers safely and satisfactorily?


California Fashion Assn., L.A.
