
To the Editor:

Alan Dershowitz criticizes me for “the propriety of writing a book that so closely parallels [Dershowitz’s] book written in 1994 with virtually no attribution or citation of the earlier work” (Book Review, Aug. 10). He then goes on to say that I should acknowledge how my work “parallels” his.

Good grief. When I mention the Dershowitz book on Page 23, I use his name (twice), summarize his argument and then supply a footnote referring to it. His book--a collection of casual op-ed essays, each mostly three or four pages long--bears not the slightest resemblance to mine. Most of his topics are utterly foreign to my book; indeed, they wander all over the criminal and political map. His book makes no coherent argument; it is a collection of anecdotes.

If he disagrees with me, fine. No complaint. But to imply that there is a “propriety” problem is silly.


I think Dershowitz needs to get his ego under control.

James Q. Wilson, Malibu
