
Disability Cuts for Children

Re “New Rules Cut Disability Aid for 135,000 Children,” Oct. 13:

It does not surprise me that so few parents of children receiving SSI benefits in California have appealed the decision to cease the payments. As a school district employee who has been asked on numerous occasions to provide supportive documentation for SSI eligibility, it is my opinion that 80% to 90% of such claims are completely without merit. In many instances, it appears that the parents making claims on behalf of their children are interested in one thing only: the plus or minus $500 per month per “afflicted” child, no strings attached.

Children with bona fide disabilities that impair their major life functions will continue to be eligible for the payments. However, children whose parents have found some “expert” to document that they suffer from “that attention thing” (ADHD), or some other fictitious problem (school attendance disorder/SAD?) rightfully should have these benefits terminated.


Palos Verdes Estates

“Richard’s” mom received $1,034 per month from SSI for the disabilities of her two children, but there is no mention of Richard’s father in the story, or what the rest of the family’s income is. Why is that?



Santa Monica
