
Panel Seeks Voter Verification in Sanchez Race


Despite vehement objections by Democrats, Republicans leading the investigation of last fall’s contested election in Orange County’s 46th Congressional District decided Friday to send a preliminary list of suspected illegal voters to California Secretary of State Bill Jones for verification.

The task force also voted to subpoena two witnesses in the case who have previously refused to answer questions: Nativo Lopez of the Santa Ana group Hermandad Mexicana Nacional and Michael Farber, a candidate for the seat who lost in the Democratic primary.

Meanwhile, Democrats followed through on their promise to disrupt House business in protest of the ongoing inquiry into the 984-vote victory by Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove). The Democrats forced a procedural vote to waste time and spoke about the issue repeatedly on the floor Friday.


“We will continue to object strenuously,” said Minority Whip David E. Bonior (D-Mich.), hinting that upcoming congressional sessions could drag on longer than expected. “Members should make plans accordingly.”

Friday’s move by the House Oversight Committee task force to hand a key part of the investigation to Jones followed a failed attempt Thursday by Democrats to force the probe’s dismissal. Fiery Republican Robert K. Dornan contends that widespread voting by noncitizens cost him the seat he had first won in 1984.

At a task force hearing Friday morning, Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) reiterated complaints that the Oversight Committee is abdicating its responsibility by bringing Jones into its investigative process. Hoyer also said Jones is a Republican elected official with a vested interested in discouraging voter participation by people sympathetic to Democrats.


“That’s not to say he’s not honest,” Hoyer said. “We simply don’t believe he’s neutral.”

Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers (R-Mich.), head of the task force, said the Oversight Committee would retain ultimate discretion on whether to vacate the seat and is simply trying to use the expertise of Jones and local Immigration and Naturalization Service officials.
