
‘Mean Mommies’ Fest at Laemmle’s

Laemmle’s Music Hall will host a “Mean Mommies” film festival Saturday and Sunday , in celebration of the opening of Fox Searchlight’s new comedy “Intimate Relations,” starring Julie Walters and Rupert Graves.

The festival will kick off at 10 a.m. Saturday with simultaneous screenings of three well-known movies: “Mommie Dearest,” starring Faye Dunaway; “Throw Momma From the Train,” starring Danny DeVito, Billy Crystal and Anne Ramsey; and “Harold & Maude,” with Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort and Vivian Pickles.

Admission is $5 per movie. Laemmle’s is located at 9036 Wilshire Blvd.

Information: (310) 247-6869.
