
* Edward Malcolm De Sure; Nightclub Owner

Westlake resident Edward Malcolm De Sure died Monday after a brief illness. He was 92.

De Sure was born March 28, 1906, in Erie, Pa. He was raised in Ohio and attended the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Akron (Ohio). He moved to Los Angeles in 1932 to take classes at USC.

De Sure worked as a liquor distributor for several years before opening a nightclub, Eddie’s Oasis, in Los Angeles in the 1940s. Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald both sang at the club, said De Sure’s daughter, Mona De Sure.

Over the years, De Sure helped organize the openings of other nightclubs and also helped finance several traveling stage productions that started in Los Angeles, including “Mr. Roberts,” Mona De Sure said.


In the late 1950s, De Sure started a furniture business in Los Angeles that carried his name. The business grew to several stores in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

Also in Orange County, De Sure was a founder of the now-defunct Mercury Savings & Loan, his daughter said.

De Sure was active in Democratic politics and in several organizations, serving as president of Rotary, Masons and Shriners chapters.


Former President Richard M. Nixon awarded De Sure a medal for starting a chapter of the Boy’s Club in Buena Park. He also received honors from President Lyndon B. Johnson for years of volunteer work, Mona De Sure said.

In 1977, De Sure and his wife, Rose, had planned to retire in Palm Springs but De Sure changed his mind and they joined the Peace Corps. De Sure was 71 at the time. The couple served two years in Botswana.

In about 1980, De Sure and his wife moved to the Ventura County portion of Westlake Village. Until a few months ago, he was community director for Charter Pacific Bank in Westlake Village, a post he held for several years.


In his free time, De Sure and his wife enjoyed dining and dancing. He was also an avid reader.

“Nothing ever upset him and he never said anything bad about anyone,” Mona De Sure said of her father’s secret to a long life.

De Sure is survived by his wife of 57 years, Rose De Sure of Westlake Village; two daughters, Mona De Sure of Encino and Natalie Aran of Scottsdale, Ariz.; two sisters, Mary Cohn and Marjorie Nayfack, both of Westlake Village; six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

There will be a service at 2 p.m. today in the chapel at Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Mortuary in Westlake Village. Interment will follow at Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Memorial Park.
