
Times Again Wins Journalism School’s Top Award

For the second year in a row, the Los Angeles Times has won the first-place award from the Missouri School of Journalism for general excellence among the nation’s largest newspapers.

“The full complement of lifestyle offerings ranges from the core lifestyle coverage to real estate, from entertainment to travel,” wrote judges of the Missouri Lifestyle Journalism Awards program.

The Philadelphia Inquirer finished second among large newspapers in the competition, and the Orange County Register finished third.


Times staff writers were finalists in five of the journalism school’s individual story categories.

In addition, Times staffers won two first-place Harry Chapin Media Awards, which honor excellence in having an impact on hunger, poverty and self-reliance. Robin Wright’s story, “Poverty, Hunger and Development: Global Challenges--and Innovative Solutions,” was named in the “best newspapers” category, and Clarence Williams’ photographs for The Times’ “Orphans of Addiction” series were named in the “best photojournalism” category. Williams’ photos won a Pulitzer Prize earlier this year.
