
San Jose Boy, 2, Drowns in Backyard Pool

A 2-year-old boy visiting from San Jose wandered away from his grandparents and drowned in a backyard pool Saturday evening, failing to respond to resuscitation attempts by the grandfather and paramedics, a Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman said.

The boy was missing for five to 10 minutes before he was discovered in a pool at a home in the 10500 block of Haskell Avenue about 6:55 p.m., said Fire Department spokesman Bob Collis.

Dispatchers who handled the 911 call instructed the grandfather how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which he administered until paramedics arrived and took over, Collis said. But attempts to revive the boy failed.


“It was to no avail,” Collis said. “The child was already gone by then.”

The boy was pronounced dead at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, he said.

Fire officials did not release the identities of the boy or his grandparents.
