
Can’t Fight Gangs Without Police

* I read with interest your recent editorial “Winning the Gang Fight,” June 14.

I agree that the programs cited have had significant impact on countering the effects of street gangs in Orange County. I noted, however, that you completely left out what is probably the most important factor in this effort: the men and women of law enforcement.

You lauded the positive effect of the anti-gang programs. Yet it is the personnel involved that make these a success. It is the probation officer, the patrol officer, the gang detective and even the clerk who inputs the information into the tracking system who deserve recognition from citizens and the media alike. Were it not for their commitment to the job and the community, the level of gang activity would surely be much higher, if not totally out of control.

Having worked in the field for many years, I have seen acts of courage and dedication countless times from these people. They rarely receive--and almost never seek--acknowledgment of their positive efforts on behalf of us all. They are one of the most important elements necessary if the fight against gangs is ever to succeed. They should not be overlooked in any editorial that addresses the topic of “Winning the Gang Fight.”



Huntington Beach
