
Off-Leash Dog Park Proposal to Be Discussed at Meeting

A final public meeting will be held in Venice tonight to discuss the creation of an off-leash dog park in Westminster Park.

Lynne Lyman, a district deputy for Los Angeles Councilwoman Ruth Galanter, who represents Venice, said Galanter will propose creation of the park to the City Council if a majority of those attending tonight’s meeting support it.

The off-leash area would consist of a plot on the east side of the park surrounded by a 4-foot fence, said Robert Crockett, an architect who is donating his time on the project. It would cost $35,000 to build, he said.


Galanter has requested $20,000 from fees paid by developers for community recreation facilities in the vicinity of their developments to help finance the park, Lyman said. A private donor has offered to put up the remaining $15,000.

There are an estimated 750,000 dogs in the city of Los Angeles but only three legal off-leash areas, said Daryl Barnett, president of a pet owners group.

The organization has obtained more than 3,000 signatures asking for more off-leash areas in Los Angeles, she said.


The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Westminster Park center, 1234 Pacific Ave., Venice.
