
Viagra and Gays, Medicaid Funding

Re “Viagra and Gays--a Matter of Morality,” Commentary, May 11:

Is it moral for heterosexuals to revel in the benefits of Viagra, a sexually enhancing drug, without the intention of having children, and then have the nerve to chastise homosexuals for wanting the drug for the same enhanced level physical intimacy? Maybe not, but that is not the issue.

The question is not “Who gets Viagra?” Anyone who wants it gets it. I was not aware heterosexuality was a requirement for any type of prescription drug. Those who make morality an issue do so based on their own ideologies. There is no conspiracy on the part of pharmaceutical companies to prohibit gays or any other social group from enjoying enhanced sexual relations. Society at large may have instituted its own hurdles for gays, but I doubt the pharmaceutical companies would forgo exploiting the homosexual market.




Re “Viagra Via Medicaid: States Cope With Explosive Issue,” May 9:

Exhibit A: Medicaid coverage for Viagra, a drug primarily for the well-being of men, is under consideration to be funded by the nation’s taxpayers.


Exhibit B: Support and treatment for my 20-year fight with anorexia nervosa, a potentially life-threatening disease which primarily affects not only the well-being but the physical health of women, has been repeatedly nixed by my HMO, funded by myself and by my employer.

Did I hear somebody say it’s a man’s world?


Los Angeles


How small of Medicaid officials to consider not giving the poor, blind and impotent a lift.


Juniper Hills
