
Destroying the Magic

The uproar by legitimate magicians everywhere about revealing tricks of their trade is a sentiment echoed by many people working in the “magic” of film and television--visual effects artists (“Magicians Wish Fox Special Would Vanish,” by Greg Braxton, May 1).

It seems for every effects-laden movie or television event that comes out, studio PR departments are compelled to show “how the amazing effects trickery is done.” It has always pained me to see the tricks of our trade displayed for audience consumption and, as with revealing magician stagecraft, in the process sacrificing something very special--that moment of disbelief.

What important ratings-grabber is next? “Fox Reveals: Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy--Real or Parental Hoax?” or “Fox Reveals: Dodger Dog Ingredient Secrets”? Some things we don’t really wanna know.



Granada Hills
