
A Supermodel’s List of Drugstore Staples

Victoria’s Secret model and magazine cover girl Stephanie Seymour just published a rather snazzy how-to book, “Beauty Secrets for Dummies” (IDG Books Worldwide Inc., 1998).

We really liked the basic how-tos of everything from hair care to pedicure. But in our continuing fascination with top 10 lists and magic potions, our favorite chapter was “Ten Terrific Items to Pick Up at a Drugstore.”

They are:

* Aussie Miracle Shampoo and Conditioner

* Bonne Bell Lip Smacker

* Caress Body Wash

* Cetaphil Facial Cleanser

* Clearasil Tinted Cream

* Cotton rounds

* Cream or powder blusher (her choice: Revlon)

* Epsom salts

* Humidifier (one that emits moisture, not warmth)

* Loofah

* Lubriderm Lotion

* Manicure and pedicure kits

* Maybelline Great Lash Mascara

* Pantene Pro V Shampoo and Conditioner

* Revlon Eyelash Curler

* Super-moisturizing body creams (her favorites are Nivea Cream and Nivea Body Oil)

Yes, we counted, too. That’s 16, not 10, but the rest of the book is so smart, we’ll forgive Seymour for what appears to be a supermodel moment.
