
Bishop Urges Panel to Elect a Successor

The Rt. Rev. Frederick H. Borsch, bishop of the six-county Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, has set the wheels in motion for his retirement by calling for the election of a successor.

Meeting with the Diocesan Council this week, Borsch, 63, said he wanted to see a bishop coadjutor elected a year from now. The bishop coadjutor would automatically succeed Borsch when he retires. Borsch was consecrated bishop in June 1988.

“This letter is not about my retirement as your bishop,” Borsch said in a Nov. 18 letter to church leaders. Borsch expects to continue serving as bishop for “at least the next several years,” his office said.


The Episcopal Diocese includes 85,000 Episcopalians, 147 congregations, 38 schools and 18 major service organizations in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara and Ventura.
