
Minister Speaks Out on Same-Sex Union

Religion News Service

The Rev. Jimmy Creech, the United Methodist pastor whose performance of a same-sex union ceremony at his Nebraska church brought the denomination to the edge of schism, told a North Carolina congregation this week that he would do it again.

Speaking to an overflow audience at a United Church of Christ congregation in Chapel Hill, N.C., Creech said Christians are not fully sharing the Gospel until they embrace gays as part of the kingdom of God.

“I think the church has been wounded by prejudice and bigotry toward lesbians, gay men and bisexual persons that compromise its ability to speak truthfully and clearly the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Creech said.


“What matters to me is the quality of relationship with people,” he added. “If it is a loving, caring relationship, I don’t really care what gender they are.”

Earlier this year, Creech was narrowly acquitted at a church trial of charges that he disobeyed denominational rules by performing the ceremony.

Creech was not reappointed to his Nebraska pulpit and has been on a voluntary leave of absence from the parish ministry since shortly after the March trial.
