
Driver Killed, Passenger Hurt When Car Is Broadsided by Van

A 21-year-old man was killed Tuesday when the car he was driving was broadsided by a van about 11:20 a.m. at Bradley Avenue and Desmond Street, authorities said.

The identify of the man was not released pending notification of relatives, said Officer Volker Wendlenner of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Valley Traffic Division.

The passenger in the car, also a man in his 20s, was injured and transported to Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills, according to authorities. His injuries were not life-threatening.


The driver of the van--a 40-year-old woman--was treated and released from Pacifica of the Valley Hospital.

The car was eastbound on Desmond when it was broadsided by the van traveling south on Bradley, police said.

The van driver wasn’t cited, but the investigation is continuing, Wendlenner said.
