
Hasbro Reaches Deal With NHL, Players

<i> Associated Press</i>

The National Hockey League and its players association have awarded Hasbro Inc., the nation’s second-largest toy maker, the rights to make toys bearing NHL logos, team names and the names and likenesses of players. Representatives for the three organizations said the deal is an attempt to bolster and profit from the increasing popularity of hockey among young children. A Hasbro spokeswoman said the company expects additional sales of $100 million over the duration of the agreement. The deal lasts through 2004, said Ted Saskin, the NHL Players’ Assn. business director. Hockey playing among American children ages 7 through 11 jumped nearly 25% from 1993 to 1997, according to surveys by the National Sporting Goods Assn. Under the new deal, Pawtucket, R.I.-based Hasbro plans to begin selling vehicle toys and action figures that can shoot slap shots in the fall of 1999. After that, the company plans an NHL version of Monopoly and Nerf brand toys.
